Transport and construction services:

The Transport and Construction Services Bernard Baranowski was registered in the Municipality Office in Stare Czarnowo on 17-01-1992 on the basis of the Business Activity Register. Bernard Baranowski is the owner.

About us

The Transport and Construction Services Bernard Baranowski was established in 1992 and is located in Glinna, Stare Czarnowo municipality.
Bernard Baranowski is the owner.
The concentration of the capital guarantees reliability and honesty towards customers and affects efficiency and flexibility of the management.

What do we do:
The company performs all types of earth works, road works, demolition and dismantling works, remediation services; we provide transport and equipment services all over the country.
We deal with quarry operation, sales and delivery of common minerals (sand and gravel) from our own gravel pits „KRZYWIN” and „PARSÓW”, we also provide black earth and ballast.
Our operations are environmental-friendly due to the fact that we apply recycling of materials from road and concrete demolition, which are reused after processing.

The company was granted the official approval of the Poviat Authority, valid till 2014, concerning the collection, transport and recycling of non-hazardous waste. We receipt waste from renovations and modernisations of roads, concrete waste and concrete debris from demolitions and renovations, etc.
The company was granted the official approval of the Marshal Office, valid until 13.01.2020, approving the waste management programme produced with reference to construction, demolition and modernisation services

Why us?
We have adequate transport and equipment potential at our disposal, which together with our highly qualified technical personnel, allows us to undertake the most challenging tasks with the guarantee of high quality and competitive prices.

Our projects are carried out quickly, accurately, and most importantly professional.
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